
Here’s what’s new in Release 1.1.8 (9 March 2018):

Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue with displaying tables. The display() function’s table visualization now properly shows the correct number of rows and honors the max rows constraint set by users (#601).
  • Fixed a problem with filtering. Previously when using PySpark with PixieDust, filtering by a column name containing a space would fail (#621).


  • The 1.1.8 release introduces a visual Python debugger for Jupyter Notebooks: PixieDebugger. It is built as a PixieApp, and includes a source editor, local variable inspector, console output, the ability to evaluate Python expressions in the current context, breakpoints management, and a toolbar for controlling code execution. In addition to debugging traditional notebook cells, PixieDebugger also works to debug PixieApps, which is especially useful when troubleshooting issues with routes. See this blog post for usage examples. More documentation on PixieDebugger will be added to this site soon (#623). Example usage to invoke PixieDebugger to break at the first executable line of cell code:
import random
def find_max (values):
    max = 0
    for val in values:
        if val > max:
            max = val
    return max
find_max(random.sample(range(100), 10))